Leçons de Pythagore (2002)
acousmatic video (!), computer animation
Efterlysning (2003)
traditional animation with scanned objects and some ray tracing
Krull Quest (2005)
computer animation with music by Øyvind Torvund
MK ULTRA (2006)
mostly traditional animation with some ray tracing
PEK (2007)
hand waving and electroacoustic music, in collaboration with Vivild Bergersen and Camilla Wærenskjold
Video Drawings (2009)
Short piece based on scanned ink drawings
Untitled video for Haben Sie Seid (2013)
Performance in collaboration with Hans-Georg Kohler and Hilde E. Brunstad. Short video extract from the rehersals.
Broken, optic illusion (2014).
Video and music featuring recordings of a eurorack modular synth, with editing by Tone Gellein. The full video is 20 minutes, but here is a short extract.
SFB (Super Fisko Breakin') (2017)
Music by FISK, the video is a remix of
The Oberdada Conspiralcy.
There are also more animations on youtube.
Colour Revolutions (2022)
Four video loops without soundtrack in the style of analog video synthesis
Wink/Nudge (2024)
short animation made in R.