
Album by Risto Holopainen available on cassette (limited edition of 25) with 15 pieces made with modular synthesizer and field recordings. A digital download is also available including a booklet of ink drawings.


Side A

1. Ordre de la Grande Poubelle

Bonus track.

Enregistrement du champ ? Il faut le préciser qu'il ne s'agit point des expéditions à l'autre côté du monde pour chercher des sons inouïs. Au contraire, presque tous les enregistrements sont faites à la maison, les fenêtres ouvertes ou non. Une nuit, un monsieur d'apparence bizarre (pantalons rouges, gants de boxeur) se trouvait dans l'éscalier. Dans sa ivresse, il etait d'humeur à chanter. Cela a persisté toute la nuit. En fin, le matin il est sorti avec son abri, une poubelle. Apparemment, ce monsieur doit être le maître de l'Ordre de la Grande Poubelle.

2. Umschaltungen

There is a video by Camilla Wærenskjold for this one.

3. Foppallsfruen II

Same patch, more or less, as in Foppallsfruen I (see below).


This is her. Actually there are sixteen of her, but they look almost the same. She's a real linoleum print.

4. Le Poubelliste

Le même monsieur qui apparaît sur no. 1 avait encore quelques choses à dire.

5. Vampyrsekten

Modular originally recorded on cassette, with time stretched kids.

6. The Gaffer

Featuring tape recordings (the other kind of tape!) and acoustic processing through a guitar.

7. The Empty Mind and its Enemies

One of the silliest expressions ever to have entered the Norwegian language is "ein må kunne halde to tankar i hovudet samstundes" (one must be able to keep two thoughts in one's mind simultaneously). A simple piece in three parts.

8. Crystal Math Addition


Side B

9. Structural Violence, Motherfucker!

Bonus track.

The quenching of an aggressor accompanied by bouncing sinusoids.

10. Director's Cut

Originally longer, and called Director's Uncut.

11. Foppallsfruen I

Oh no, she's back again!

Video by Camilla Wærenskjold. (Begins without sound.)

12. Acceptable Noise

Acoustically processed with the resonances of a nyckelharpa.
This is what a part of it sounds like. The original recording used for this piece was over forty minutes long, almost nothing of it worth keeping.

13. La Guitarra de Picasso

Recorded with resonances from a guitar and very much cut into pieces.

14. La Compagnie des Ondes

Modular and various flutes.

15. Atomic Banjo

Bonus track.

Whatever happens here, you wouldn't want to try this at home.


The cassette itself.